Expanding the Service Area for Neglected Children in Foster Care
“The innovative work that we do to support foster children and their families would not be possible without partners like the Hulston Family Foundation. The Hulston Family Foundation makes a lasting impact on foster kids in our community through their gifts to the Grow With Us capital campaign to purchase and renovate our southwest Missouri Resource Center. We greatly appreciate their dedication and service to the children and families of our community.”
Aaron Schekorra, Development Director
Connecting children with families that provide love, healing and stability, Foster Adopt Connect has been changing the lives of foster children for over 23 years.
A grant was made by the Hulston Family Foundation that supported their Capital Campaign aimed towards purchasing and renovating a larger office building.
With this building, Foster Adopt Connect has been able to plan long-term for additional staff to serve a broader county service area. Jumping from 7 staff members to 48, the Hulston Family Foundation has supported the purchasing of a new building where even more children can be served.
In addition, in 2023, Hulston Family Foundation approved a grant to purchase two vehicles – a commercial transport vehicle to use for facility maintenance and a truck to streamline operations and support the needs for their growing organization.
Since 2017, Foster Adopt Connect has increased the number of program participants by 41.2%. With 6 individual programs established to date, the number of children and parents served in 2017 was 1,642 compared to 2,759 served in 2019. With the help of the Hulston Family Foundation, Foster Adopt Connect has greatly expanded their service area to help more children and families in need.