Missouri Prairie Foundation
With grant money received in 2021, The Missouri Prairie Foundation (MPF) purchase a 12-foot brush hog this spring. A brush hog is a mowing implement that attaches to a tractor, and they will be using it this year and well into the future to efficiently carry out fireline mowing, invasive brush management, prairie reconstruction maintenance and trail mowing on their prairies.
MPF now owns 26 properties totalling 3,750 acres. This 12-foot brush hog (as opposed to their old 5-foot brush hog) will greatly increase MPF’s ability to complete necessary prairie management activities in an efficient manner.
The new equipment is very important for fireline establishment so MPF can carry out critically important dormant-season burning. Prairie reconstructions on degraded, non-prairie areas require mowing, after planting, to reduce weed competition. Also, MPF mows trails on prairies for the general public and for field days, guided hikes and for school groups. This will allow them to work much more efficiently far into the future to steward rare and diverse prairies.